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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Una Noche de Prosa y Poesia

Las Buenas Amigas joins Bronx Acadeny of Art and Dance to promote the creative expression of Latina Lesbian and Latina Queer women with a creative writing workshop.

Una Noche de Prosa y Poesia (A Night of Prose and Poetry)

June 28, 7-9pm
Admission: Free
All works will be displayed and the installation shared with community members. In order to create the dynamic of Woman Space, this will be an exclusive workshop for Latina Women, Cis-Gender and Trans-Gender. Refreshments will be served. 
Noche de Prosa y Poetry para la Latina Lesbiana y Identificada Queer, Junio 28, de 7PM a 9PM. Este Taller de Poesia es exclusivo para Mujeres Latinas Cisgenero y Transgenero. Las esperamos! 
Abre las puertas a tus talentos creativos y artisticos.  Este es un Taller rico para Todas Nosotras en la comunidad!
841 Barretto Street, 2nd Floor, Bronx
Information: 718-842-5223

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