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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Sensewalking with Miguel Gutierrez

I'm wishing Miguel Gutierrez great weather at The High Line tomorrow evening for Sensewalk #4: GIVE ME SOMEBODY TO SHOW!

Presented by Elastic City, dancer-choreographer Gutierrez has been leading small groups (16 people, max.) in intriguing and fun explorations of external and internal space, heightening awareness of our expanded palette of senses. Last Saturday, I took his Elastic City walk at the New York Public Library's 5th Avenue flagship building--a place I knew fairly well and loved in my young adult years--and was thrilled to see, hear and feel a whole lot more than I might have imagined. Previous locations included the Staten Island Ferry and Prospect Park.

If space is still available for tomorrow's High Line walk (6:30pm), give it a go!

Get complete information and RSVP (required) here.
Elastic City intends to make its audience active participants in an ongoing poetic exchange with the places we live in and visit.

Artists are commissioned by Elastic City to create their own walks. These walks tend to focus less on providing factual information and more on heightening our awareness, exploring our senses and making new group rituals in dialogue with public space. (Read more here.)

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