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Monday, February 15, 2010

Toshi Reagon and Friends to play at Schomburg Center

Brooklyn singer/songwriter/musician Toshi Reagon comes to Harlem with a special evening of collaboration and music at the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture on Monday, March 1, 7pm.

Toshi is one of the featured artists for the Schomburg's Women In Jazz series that runs every Monday during the month of March. She has invited some of her favorite New York women singers to join her--Helga Davis, Morley, Stephanie Battle, Judith Casselbery, Josette Marshach, Karma Mayet Johnson, Marcelle Davies Lashley and musicians Fred Cash, Robert Burke and Adam Widoff.

Tickets: (212) 491-2206

Women’s Jazz Festival
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture
515 Malcolm X Boulevard, Manhattan
Map and directions


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