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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Through thick or thin ice

What real dancers think of figure skating
Insiders reveal what they love and loathe about their balletic cousins on ice 
by Margaret Eby,, February 16, 2010


  1. Interesting article. Its nothing new that figure skating gets a lot of flack from the dance world and the athletic world. Its an in-between sport. As a former figure skater, I found that I had to constantly defend the sport. The cheesy music and glittery costumes annoy me too. I prefer skaters like Sasha Cohen and Michelle Kwan. They are amazing athletes and are also able to bring artistry to the sport. It is a sport after all. The choreographers and coaches that work with skaters have to put required elements in the programs and the choreography element that gets put in after all that has to be more of a marriage and blending rather than an awkward arm or a section dedicated just for that. When skaters retire from amateur competition (Olympics, Nationals, Worlds, etc.) and do the professional circuit (exhibitions, tours, etc.) is when they really discover the artistry on the ice but then their technical ability suffers which is unfortunate.

  2. I don't follow figure skating (amateur or professional) the way I used to, but I used to love it and, yes, get tears in my eyes over it, too! When it is done with true artistry, it can take your breath away, and I was a big fan of Michelle Kwan. There's no reason that there cannot be some evolution in the interconnection between technical excellence and innovative choreography on ice once freed of the requirements of the competitive sport.

  3. I used to train in the same rink as Michelle Kwan in the summers. I would watch her practice and the way she moves across that ice is amazing. It was as if she were flying!
    I totally agree with you. The skaters who are in competition these days are really young and look very "green" on the ice. My hope is for Mirai Nagasu who reminds me a little of Michelle Kwan in skating style to mature in the way she approaches skating in terms of artistry. We'll just have to wait and see... I hear the Korean girl is amazing.


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