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Friday, February 5, 2010

Advocate for the arts now!

New York City Arts Coalition and Center for Arts Education

welcome you to an ARTS ADVOCACY WORKSHOP

Thursday, February 11 (9am-11am) 


Center for Arts Education
225 West 34 Street, Suite 1112, Manhattan 


Norma Munn--Chair, New York City Arts Coalition 
Doug Israel--Director of Research & Policy, The Center for Arts Education 

This workshop is aimed at those who have not taken part in advocacy or feel they need to improve or refresh their skills and information. It will focus on the City and State processes, and will also provide current information about both the City and State budgets and legislative issues impacting on the cultural sector.

Attendees will be given opportunities to ask questions, and explore their concerns.

If you, or your organization has not been actively involved in advocating for more public funding, or addressing legislative issues, in the past few years, this is an opportunity to quickly learn how to do so both effectively and credibly. Remember, you are your own best lobbyist when it comes to what you want legislators to hear. No one knows better than you what you do and its value.

You, or another staff member, are welcome, but you must RSVP by email to no later than March 9. If you have questions, or need additional information, please contact Norma Munn at or call 212-246-3788.

New York City Arts Coalition

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