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Friday, July 17, 2009

DMAC announces 2009 commission opportunity

DMAC- Duo Multicultural Arts Center is seeking to commission and premiere five new dance works to be premiered December 7-11, 2009, in our beautiful turn-of-the-century playhouse. Each piece must be between 8-10 minutes in length. Choreographers will receive a commission fee of $500.00 and adequate rehearsal time in one of our studios. The program is being curated by Lisa Rinehart and Michelangelo Alasa’.

Since 2008, DMAC has presented 16 new dance premieres by Aszure Barton, Keely Garfield, Julian Barnett, Maria Hassabi, Alex Escalante, Anna Sperber, Deganit Shemy, Ariane Anthony, Claire Porter, Yin Yue, Kelley Donovan, Art Bridgeman, Myrna Packer, Nicole Wolcott, Catherine Galasso, Lauri Stallings, Carlos Velazquez as well as guest performances by Doug Elkin, David Parker and the Bang Group, Carlos Velazquez and the Rod Rodgers Dance Company.

Click to download application.

duo multicultural arts center
theatre dance film music art
62 East 4th Street, East Village,

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