Provide administrative oversight and implementation to Daria Faïn and her company in all areas of company activities, including fundraising, grant-writing, marketing, project management and general operations. Writing skills are essential.
Fundraising, Grant Writing: Strategize fund raising in conjunction with Daria and develop grant proposals, budgets and supporting materials. Help plan fund raising events.
Marketing: Help develop and create marketing materials, including programs. Facilitate the duplication of videotapes and press kits.
Project management: Help manage company projects. Research in relation to current or future projects.
General Operations: Check and respond to mail, telephone messages and email.
Part-time position (8-15 hrs per week)
$12 per hour
Job begins as soon as possible.
d a r i a f a ï n
101 decatur street # 3 -- brooklyn 11216
7 1 8 4 5 0 1 3 5 6
skype: dariafain