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Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Yes! Push that culture!

cml performance colleagues Arturo Vidich, Clarinda Mac Low and Aki Sasamoto announce Culture Push:

"CULTURE PUSH is a brand new organization, a group of artists and others who want to change the world. CULTURE PUSH acts as a gathering place for several projects with a common aim, and brings together several experienced artist-managers who produce work collectively and individually. It is a clearinghouse for ideas and methods and conversations, a state of mind that manifests in concrete events for an eclectic audience. The members of CULTURE PUSH create experiences. We walk the slippery line between disciplines, both within and outside art. We combine performance, visual art, and media of all kinds with social intervention, intensive research and political inquiry to make situations that enlighten, entertain and enliven our audiences. We seek to actively push against boundaries so that attitudes shift, assumptions are questioned, and minds and bodies are changed. We all share a desire to work through invitation rather than confrontation and shift the discourse and the direction of our culture through interaction, intimacy, humor and pathos."

Learn more about cml performance and CULTURE PUSH here.