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Monday, November 5, 2007

Illuminating from Within

Stephanie Tack announces her workshop, Illuminating from Within: Exploring Your Inner Light Through Movement, Art & Healing.
Saturday, November 10th, 2-5pm, $20
Hosted by: Stephanie Tack - The Church of Art & Modern Mysticism

Take part in a unique and exploratory journey into the topic of contemporary spirituality and self-fulfillment. Explore your spirituality and depths of creative possibilities for self-expression through dance, art and healing.

We will provide you with a platform to dance, talk, create, reflect and share, your individual process of spiritual discovery, self-illumination and personal empowerment with a group of creative and intelligent people, in a safe and nurturing environment.

What you can expect is:
Guided Visualization & Trance Dancing
Movement Improvisation (no dance training necessary)
Mandala Making
Hands on Healing/Massage
Verbal Group Reflections

You can also expect to:
Have your own personal journey (corporeal and non-corporeal)
Benefit from the power of engaging as a group
Walk away feeling connected to yourself, relaxed and centered
Gain insight into living harmoniously with your unique life flow

Our goal is to create space and support for your individual process of illumination.

The group will be intimate. There are 8 spaces available. Feel free to call me anytime if you are interested.

Stephanie Tack

"Seeking attunement to spirit is the highest goal of conscious living." - Rebbe Joseph Gelberman