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Saturday, August 4, 2007

Chi Kung with Laura Shapiro

Announcement from Laura Shapiro

Dear Movers, Meditators, Healers,

This is to let you know about a NEW, small group, chi-based movement class for people who want individual attention and feedback as they cultivate more flexibility, strength and energy.

The class will be held on Friday mornings, 9-10:30am at New Dance Alliance, a lovely dance studio at 182 Duane Street, 3rd floor (walk up two flights), in Tribeca. The classes will be designed for the particular concerns and interests of the people attending and will be offered in two 6-week series: September 14-October 19 and October 26-December 7 (no class the Friday after Thanksgiving). The cost is $105 for each series, $200 if you attend both. NEW STUDENTS MAY TRY THE FIRST CLASS FOR $15.

In addition, the Monday night class at West Side Family Pre-School, 63 West 92nd Street, will CONTINUE in September, also with two 6-week series: September 14-October 22 (no class on Columbus Day) and October 29-December 3. The cost is also $105 for each series, $200 if you attend both. NEW STUDENTS MAY TRY THE FIRST CLASS FOR $15.

Below you will find more information about Chi Kung. Please let me know if you are interested in attending one of the classes and feel free to pass this on to friends and colleagues.

Best wishes,



Traditionally, in China, Chi Kung/aka Qi Gong was an intrinsic aspect of martial arts, medicine and meditation. Often translated as “life force energy practice,” Chi Kung uses separate gentle movements, specific postures and the breath to circulate and revitalize energy, improve balance and coordination, increase flexibility and cultivate inner strength of body, mind and spirit. It can be adapted for every body.

The full benefits of Chi Kung reveal themselves with ongoing regular practice over an extended period of time. Once the movements, postures and breathing become familiar, their repetition allows the nervous system and the muscles, the mind and emotions to calm down, generating feelings of peace, harmony and well being, and allowing us to be more fully present.

LAURA SHAPIRO is a dancer/choreographer with over three decades of experience teaching people of all ages and ability. She currently teaches for Fu-Yu International Foundation, the Center for Kinesthetic Education, the Arthritis Foundation and McBurney YMCA as well as privately.